Skyler Fleming

Mar 23, 20236 min

How do you have fun with your money?

Money is often viewed as a source of stress, anxiety, and responsibility. We’re taught from a young age that money is a serious matter and that it should be managed responsibly. While it's true that financial responsibility is important, it doesn't mean that managing our money can't be fun. In fact, adding a bit of fun to your finances can be beneficial in more ways than one. Not only can it reduce stress and improve your overall well-being, but it can also help you stick to your financial goals.

Let's explore the importance of having fun with your money. We’ll discuss how you can have fun with budgeting, money management apps, and finding the right balance between saving and spending. Additionally, I'll address the two money talking points from episode 78 - How to Make Money Fun.

Why is it Important to Have Fun with Your Money?

Money can be a significant source of stress for many people. Financial worries can keep you up at night, cause tension in relationships, and even impact your physical health. However, it doesn't have to be this way. By adding a bit of fun to your finances, you can reduce stress, improve your overall well-being, and make it easier to stick to your financial goals.

One of the most significant benefits of having fun with your money is that it can help you stay motivated. When you’re excited about managing your finances, you’re more likely to stick to your budget, save more money, and make smarter financial decisions. This, in turn, can lead to a better quality of life and more financial freedom.

Another benefit of having fun with your money is that it can help you stay engaged. Many people find managing their finances to be tedious and boring. By adding a bit of fun to the process, you can make it more engaging and interesting. This can help you stay on top of your finances and make better financial decisions.

Finally, having fun with your money can help you develop a positive relationship with your finances. Instead of viewing your money as a burden, you can view it as a tool for achieving your goals and living your best life. By having a positive relationship with your finances, you’ll be more motivated to manage your money effectively and make better financial decisions.

How to Have Fun with Budgeting

Budgeting is one of the most important aspects of managing your finances effectively. However, many people find budgeting to be tedious and boring. The good news is that there are many ways to make budgeting more enjoyable. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a Budgeting App

One of the easiest ways to make budgeting more enjoyable is to use a budgeting app. There are many budgeting apps available that make it easy to track your spending, set financial goals, and stay on top of your budget. Some popular budgeting apps include Mint, Personal Capital, and You Need a Budget (YNAB).

  • Set Goals and Rewards

Another way to make budgeting more enjoyable is to set financial goals and rewards for yourself. For example, if you stick to your budget for a month, you could treat yourself to a nice dinner or buy something you’ve been wanting for a while. Setting goals and rewards can help you stay motivated and make budgeting more enjoyable.

  • Make it a Game

Budgeting can be turned into a game, which can make it more enjoyable. For example, you could challenge yourself to see how much money you can save in a month, or you could compete with friends or family members to see who can save the most money. Making budgeting a game can help you stay engaged and motivated.

  • Get Creative with Your Budget

Finally, you can make budgeting more enjoyable by getting creative with your budget. Instead of simply tracking your expenses and income, you can find ways to get creative. Such as, using something other as money to visualize your budget or implement the 2x rule for investing.

Here are some more times to get creative and fun with your budget:

  • Use colorful markers or stickers to make your budget visually appealing

  • Create a vision board to remind you of your financial goals

  • Have a "no-spend" challenge where you try to go a certain amount of time without spending money on non-essential items

  • Experiment with new recipes to make meal planning more exciting and affordable

By getting creative with your budget, you can make it more enjoyable and engaging.

What about money would I like to make more fun?

This is a great question to ask yourself if you want to make your finances more enjoyable. There are many different ways you can add a bit of fun to your finances, so it's important to identify what aspects of money management you find most tedious or boring.

For example, if you find budgeting to be tedious, you might want to try using a budgeting app or making it into a game. If you find saving money to be a challenge, you might want to set up a savings challenge with friends or family members. If you find investing to be intimidating, you might want to join an investment club or talk about how your friends or peers got started investing. But don't make complex decisions when it comes to investing. Understand the simple basics of investing. Make sure you understand what an index fund is and likely start investing there.

The key is to identify what aspects of money management you find least enjoyable and find ways to make them more engaging.

What isn't fun about money right now that I can get rid of?

Another great question to ask yourself is what aspects of money management are currently causing you the most stress or anxiety. By identifying these areas, you can find ways to eliminate them or make them more enjoyable.

For example, if you're struggling with debt, you might want to look into debt consolidation or debt counseling services. If you find bill-paying to be stressful, you might want to set up automatic payments or use a bill-paying service. Automation can be a huge win towards helping you get out from the stress and burden that money management can cause. While consolidation and other services can be costly, automation is likely free through your credit union or bank.

Additionally, it's important to remember that not every aspect of money management needs to be enjoyable. There will always be some tasks that are less enjoyable than others, but by finding ways to make the process more engaging and rewarding, you can make it easier to stick to your financial goals.

More key things to remember about fun money management

  1. Don't forget to celebrate your financial wins. When you reach a savings goal or pay off a debt, take some time to celebrate your achievement. This will make the process of managing your money more rewarding and enjoyable.

  2. It's okay to splurge once in a while. While it's important to stick to a budget and save for your financial goals, it's also important to enjoy the money you've worked hard to earn. By budgeting for fun expenses like vacations or hobbies, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor without sacrificing your financial stability.

  3. Get creative with your savings goals. Instead of setting a generic savings goal, try to get creative with what you're saving for. For example, you might save for a trip to a new city or to attend a concert by your favorite artist. By setting specific and exciting savings goals, you'll be more motivated to save and more excited when you achieve them.

  4. Remember the importance of giving. Giving to charity or helping others can be a fulfilling and rewarding way to spend your money. Consider setting aside a portion of your budget for charitable giving or volunteering your time to help those in need. This can help you feel good about your financial choices and add a sense of purpose to your budgeting efforts.

In summary, it's essential to have fun with your money in order to make the process of managing your finances more enjoyable and sustainable. By finding ways to make budgeting, saving, and investing more engaging and rewarding, you can achieve your financial goals while still enjoying the journey.

Money Talk with Skyler Fleming


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